
Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Education, Dale’s Cone and the Learning Pyramid and ICTs in Education

My own learning to date compared with Dale’s Cone and the Learning Pyramid.

When I initially set out to list down my learning experiences to date, I could only relate to learning experiences that were at the top end of Dale's Cone, that is, my instruction was completely curriculum based, “chalk and talk” style. My instruction was very formal right through from Primary school to University. The only time I believe I engaged in any kind of group activity was during language courses at University which consisted of dialogue construction and delivery in pairs. Unfortunately this was about as creative as my education got to my recall. Even my Year 11 school camp was cancelled due to unsavoury antics at the camp the year before!

Then, it occurred to me that I have encountered countless other learning experiences outside of formal education. After all, that is what life is all about isn’t it - life experience is learning, it is about whether we are aware of the Habits of Mind to realize this or not. After considering such learning experiences I concluded that perhaps one my biggest learning experiences in life was becoming a parent. There was no "taught" way to becoming a parent. All I could do was communicate with others (collaborate), draw on their experience and feedback, research all of the information I could get my hands on, make decisions based on this and reflect on my strategies. Parenting is a life long learning journey, where I am the learner and my learning experience has been and will continue to be very direct and purposeful – albeit unconsciously to date (consciously now!). Per Kearsley & Schneiderman’s Engagement theory of creation, collaboration, real world scenarios and experiences in learning and donating back to the world (CREATE-RELATE-DONATE) I continue to use this personal learning experience to relate to this and align me with what I need to be focusing on as a learning manager(1999). With this, I could experience effective learning as outlined in Dale’s Cone and the Learning Pyramid. And this time, it turned the cone around to the right order, that in which Dale dictates is the effectiveness of active learning!

Dale’s Cone:
RELATE-CREATE-DONATE Engagement Theory: Kearsley & Schneiderman. Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. (1998)

What is the possible role of ICTs in changing learning Design in Education from a teacher-centred to student centric paradigm?

I also had the following thoughts, based on the question of the place of ICTs in changing a curriculum based framework into a pedagogical framework. That is teacher centric vs student-centric.

I beleive that technology offers empowerment to learners over their own learning. It enables the learning manager to facilitate the learner’ learning experience; that is, it allows the learning manager to become the facilitator of the learning process instead of the dictator. Technology offers a way to get information now, thus allowing for immediacy. This no doubt aides in enhancing learner engagement in the learning process. As George Lucas stated in his speech on edutopia at dreamforce 2007, learning is fun if you are interested.

Technology also takes away from the teacher-centric approach in that it is interactive,cooperative and collaborative by nature; that it, it engages public feedback on a world stage. Again to refer to George Lucas where he states ... "children learn out of curiosity"... Interaction with each other and their real world is how they will learn the best, all facilitated by the nurturing and caring hand of their teachers who will guide their interests and instill confidence (student centred learning).


Kylie B

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kylie

    I really like how you relate your informal learning experiences to Dale's Cone. When I approached this task I just focused on my formal learning experiences and after reading your ideas I can see that when I consider my informal learning experiences they match with Dale's Cone. Thanks for helping me! All the best Hannah
