
Sunday, July 11, 2010

T3, Week 1, 1-4: Pedagogy in Practice: Building my repertoire of skills

As outlined in the coursework for Learning and Pedagogy in Secondary EDED20487, there is also a range of strategies for use in the classroom that could come under the heading of pedagogy (or behaviour management) that impact on how effective instructional design will be in practice.  My task here is to identify and reflect continuously on these.

Through observation and reflection it is important to build on that repertoire of skills too and these will complement my work in the design of effective pedagogy.  These will include looking at such areas as:
  • how to gain student attention
  • how to organise and manage groups
  • how to sequence and order activities an manage time
  • how to monitor what is happening in the classroom and be pro-active in the management of problems and conflicts
  • how to manage transition between activities
  • how to use questioning techniques to promote learning and manage learner engagement
  • how to use praise and feedback to promote learning.
This will be a work in progress which will begin here with some strategies for:

Gaining attention: 
-          Proximity
-          Pause in talk
-          Cueing
-          Curriculum redirection
-          Calling the student’s name

Giving instructions
-          Waiting and scanning
-          Oral directional phrase
-          Verbal redirection: directive questioning
-          Verbal redirection: Directive statement
-          State logical consequence
-          Follow through: enforce consequence

Managing transitions
-          Waiting and scanning
-          Non-verbal redirection
-          Bracketing or "changing channels"

Organizing groups
-          Non-verbal redirection
-          Oral directional phrase
-          Give choices (incorporating consequences)

Manage behaviours pro-actively
      -          Attitudes and perceptions discussion
-          Tactical Ignoring
-          Selective attending –e.g. comment positively on the person next to the child who 
            requires behaviour modification
-          Waiting and scanning
-          Distraction or diversion
-          Calling the student’s name
-          Individual close talk
-          Give choices (incorporating consequences)
-          State logical consequence
-          Follow through: enforce consequence
-          Move student in room
-          Move student to reflection or time-out area
-          Remove student from the classroom
-          Have a third party remove student from the classroom
-          Remove rest of class from the room or area (e.g. if student is violent, throwing things etc)

Giving praise and feedback
-          Body language encouraging
-          Descriptive encouraging
-          Individual close talk

Use questioning techniques
-          Questioning to redirect

Other effective strategies
- set clear classroom rules and expectations and reinforce them
- be organised
- plan, plan, plan, but be flexible also.
- be friendly

This will be an ongoing post.  Please feel free to add suggestions at any time.

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