
Sunday, July 11, 2010

T3, Week 1: Reflective practitioner

Self reflection

What have I learnt

  • about pedagogy so far?
  • from pedagogical content knowledge?
  • from my experience in schools?
From what I have read, seen, reflected upon?

Upon reflection, I have over-viewed my learning of the fore-mentioned as follows:

Pedagogy I understand to be teaching for learning through the application of pedagogical frameworks that put the learner as the focus of the teaching/learning experience, a process where the learning is based on authentic learning principles to enhance and engage the learner, the process of the teacher joining the learner on the learning journey and a concept where teaching and learning acknowledges that learners learn in different ways and may experience different conditions which affect their learning, and as such examines and incorporates strategies which are inclusive and enhancing to all types of learners.

Learning - the process of making meaning out of experience, experiences + programmed knowledge + questioning insight.

Meta-learning - being aware and taking control of one's own learning

Teaching - guiding and facilitating learning, scaffolding learning activities and mediation of learning experiences.

Pedagogy - teaching for learning

Pedagogical Content Knowledge - "The teacher understands the concepts, the tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) they teach and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students"

Fisher, R. (2010). Learning, Teaching and Pedagogy. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from CQUniversity e-courses, EDED20456 Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

My experience in school so far has allowed me to acquire knowledge on and demonstrate skills in curriculum knowledge in my specialist teaching areas of LOTE and SOSE (Senior Syllabus also), planning, preparation and record keeping, implementation of learning experiences I have designed and observed, creation and growth of interpersonal skills with learners and teaching colleagues, personal attitude adjustment and development and commitment to teaching, classroom management development, up-skilling to observe, reflect, assist/collaborate and teach.

Certainly my prior understanding of what teaching was has been challenged and updated.  Embedded Professional Learning in schools has enabled me to witness, practice and reflect on pedagogical frameworks and understand the importance of developing my pedagogical understanding, develop a large bank of strategies, be very adaptable and flexible, be creative, be focused on and dedicated to my learners and their learning, continually reflect and adapt my own practice, observe and reflect on the practice of other professionals, continue to grow and build, and truly appreciate my learning journey alongside those that I am facilitating and monitoring the learning of.

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