
Friday, April 16, 2010

EATSIPs: A Small Example with a Big Message

Having just read a very interesting post on Andrew's blog about a great tip on use of pens , I was prompted into recalling a small story of significant value.

I was in the presence of a teacher recently, who had just come back from class quite shocked, but moved.  The class had been doing an ordinary/usual  class acitivity which included the teacher recording some names on the whiteboard in relation to this activity.  One was in black ink , one in red ink , one in green ink  and one in blue ink (about the spectrum of colour that standard white board markers come in).  One of the students suddently asked "Hey, why is my name the only one written in black?" .  Suprised, the teacher turned around to see the owner of the voice grinning at her with a big beautiful Indigenous Australian smile.

I beleive that cultural sensivity on all levels and specifically the importance of acknowledging EATSIP (Embedding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives) into our classrooms and our pedagogoy is highlighted here in this simple incident.

Simple example I feel which packs a mighty punch!

Lets all be aware all of the time.

Warm wishes,
Kylie B

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