
Monday, April 26, 2010

A Reflective Synopsis of ICTs in Learning Design - Assessment 2

"What is the possible role of ICTs in changing learning Design in Education from a teacher-centred to student centric paradigm?"

Widely researched, learning is best achieved by applying knowledge, a process in stark contrast to previous paradigms of rote learning and teacher-centeredness. Student-centred learning, a central concept of Learning Management, is identified as not only the way to skill learners for a changing society, but also to ensure life long learning (Smith et al. 2003). As the very nature of using ICTs is through application, they essentially provide a means of closing the gap between knowing and doing. They are also at the heart of today’s “knowledge economy” (refer to: ). Therefore, the role that ICTs can play in changing learning design in Education from a teacher-centred to a student centric paradigm is pivotal.

My personal educational experience spanned the 1970s and 1980s, where Teacher-centric frameworks held curriculum focus as the essence of the students’ learning journey. So ICTs and their place in education were foreign concepts to me as I have discussed here. Since embarking on my own Teaching and Learning journey recently though, my view of Education has been irreversibly changed to extend to and include ICTs and their place in today’s world and Education: .

I will be including ICTs to enhance my teaching pedagogy because of, but not restricted to, the fact that technology offers empowerment to learners over their own learning, elicits creativity, and gives immediacy to the receipt of information, resulting in enhanced learner engagement in the learning process. It also enables learning managers to facilitate the learner’s learning experiences as opposed to ‘dictating’ it. .

Furthermore, technology is interactive, cooperative and collaborative by nature, as outlined in Kearsley & Shneiderman’s Engagement Theory of RELATE-CREATE-DONATE (1999). George Lucas backs this up when he shares, “... [c]hildren learn out of curiosity...”. Interaction with each other and their real world is how they ... learn best ...”.  So, as outlined in Lynch's (8LMQs) Eight Learning Management Questions (2003), knowing your learners and what they know, how they learn and the knowledge to apply relevant learner style, personality (Mazlow & Jung) and intelligence theories (8MI & Emotional/Social) will ultimately lead to the ability to become an effective Learning Manager and facilitate the delivery of ICT pedagogy that will cater for all types of learners and learning personalities. Students will be engaged and their learning enhanced whilst achieving positive outcomes. I have discussed these theories and more here.

With this, I envisage utilising the following ICT tools as follows:

Blogs allow learners to be reflective, in charge of, and creative in, the pursuit of their own learning journeys. I will encourage their use as a way of documenting students’ own learning journeys electronically instead of with paper and pen. I would also use blogs for professional interaction and discourse between my learners, myself and my peers. See:  and

Wikis would aid my language courses - students could collect and share vocabulary words, cultural information, informative videos, and photos and have a place to interact together. They would also be useful as a simplified type of e-portfolio or a place where students would be able to work together whilst physically distanced i.e.: work on a Problem Based Learning Task or group task or in collaboration with a Japanese class! Working from school, home or overseas collaboratively on the wiki – anywhere, anytime.

E-portfolio systems are all encompassing, user friendly and capable of meeting the demands of today's economic and educational needs. Their multifaceted purpose of allowing space and long term storage of many types of files along with the ability and facilities to be creative gives the opportunity for collaboration and reflection, allowing flexibility, with easily accessible information and knowledge to anyone, anywhere at anytime. E-portfolio is a tool conducive to life-long learning. See for more information.

A similar tool I have been introduced to is where students can create their own webpage, in addition to their interaction with the school’s “VLE” (Virtual Learning Environment) See this posting for more.

Avatars can HOOK students to engage them in a topic or authentic tasks, or they can assist sight impaired students and also give students the benefit of creativity and ownership in tasks. I love that they can speak different languages – great for my language classes! They are simple to use and instill fun and confidence. See my examples and more

IWB (Interactive Whiteboards)
In line with student-centred learning, I would use IWBs for their immediacy of information, ability to be used for classes, groups or individually, their ability for creativity and as students can use a pen or their fingers directly on the touch-screen to add handwritten information they allow for the construction of meaning through the senses of touch listening and sight – see my blog for detailed information. 

Flickr and picnik
Two very easy applications to master, I would use these as often as possible for my students to be creative and in charge of their learning, inside and out of the classroom.  Making posters, Powerpoint Presentations, making global tours on Google Earth - just about anywhere, anything, anytime.  Click here on flickr and picnik for more details and examples in my blog. 

Powerpoint (PPT)
As outlined in my blog PPT are simple to use, readily available, allow for creativity, are user friendly, fun and they convey concise information in an organised fashion. A definite inclusion for use by me and for my students to create.  I am already using them in class and have structured lesson plans where students will be constructing them (i.e. In my Japanese class, students will research on the net and produce a PPT about Japanese homes).

Google Maps and Skype
A late edition to my experiments, these technological tools are fantastic, free, easily accessible, and easy to use and fulfil the Learning Management criteria as fully student centred tools. I will endeavour to incorporate these whenever I can, with specific reference to my teaching areas of LOTE an SOSE.  I will combine them with other tools mentioned, such as flickr.

Netiquette and Rules of Engagement
Finally, in addition to theories and frameworks mentioned throughout my reflective synopsis and blog postings, I want to make quick but important reference to the imperative awarenes and inclusion of Netiquette and Rules of Engagement at two of my postings.  Please see and . 

In summary, my preconceived notions of what teaching would encompass and how I would be formed as a teacher (which did not include Learning Management and ICTs, but thankfully now do!) prior to undertaking this course of study have been replaced with notions of enthusiasm, Learning Management theories such as Lynch's 8LMQs (2003) and Marzano & Pickering's Dimenions of Learning (2006), Theories of Engagement, Active Learning and concepts of learner styles and personalities, all of which I have discussed in some lenght in all of the blogs noted here . They all centre around my use now of ICTs.

Kylie B


Houghton, J., Sheehan, P. (2000). A Primer on the Knowledge Economy. Victoria University. Centre for Strategic Economic Studies.

Kearsely, G., Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Version 4/5/99 retrieved from  

Lucas, J. John Lucas: Sharing his hope for Education at Dreamforce. Retrieved from

Marzano, R., Pickering. D. (2006). Dimensions of Learning. Teachers Manual (2nd ed.). Victoria. Hawker Brownlow Education.

Multiple Intelligence.  Introduced by Aldred, S. (2010) EDED20491 ICTs in Learning Design Courseware Rockhampton, QLD, Australia: CQ University Australia.  Retrieved from:

Smith, R., Lynch, D. & Mienczakowski, J. (2003). "The bachelor of learning management (BLM) and education capability", Change: Transformations in Education, (6) (2): 23--37. Introduced by Aldred, S. (2010) EDED20491 ICTs in Learning Design Courseware Rockhampton, QLD, Australia: CQ University Australia. Retrieved from:

Some Blogs I have posted to:

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