
Saturday, May 1, 2010


As I enter this next study week of my learning journey, I am excited to see that I will be learning more about youtube.  I remember saying to one of my colleagues at our first Residential school down in Rockhampton back in Febgruary of this year "I never go on youtube, I don't have time and I don't know why I would need to". WELL - haven't I done a bit turn about!!!  One of the first places I go now to source ideas and information in youtube.

The reason I look to youtube for information and tools when planning lessons is for pedagogical reasons of creating authentic learning tasks for my learners whilst simultaneously trying to give many and varied learning strategies in any given lesson to accomodate the different learning styles of my learners.  Youtube and similiar applications are a good time length (not too long) and they can be used to stimulate learners, give visual and creative cues and can be used in combination with other pedagogical strategies such as linked with questioning and group work.

The following is a series of youtube videos I found that compliments the current Unit of Work I am engaged in with Year 9 SOSE students which is titled "You have a Voice".  Each video in this series relates beautifully to the topic of Democracy being discussed and even covers the history of it too.  I intend to use these videos to convey information to the students, whilst keeping them engaged in the learning process.  I will compliment these videos with questioning techniques, group work, and use them to lead in to the lessons.  The series is called "in search of Democracy".


in search of democracy Part 1
in search of democracy Part 2
in search of democracy Part 3
in search of democracy Part 4
in search of democracy Part 5
in search of democracy Part 6
in search of democracy Part 7
in search of democracy Part 8
in search of democracy Part 9
in search of democracy Part 10 - Conclusion

I have also included some videos here that are relevant to my Year 9 Japanese class.  I love the simplicity, the visuals that the students have access to and importantly, the ability to hear the words pronounced by a native speaker of the target language which is, of course, very important for intonation and discourse.  lessons.   This just shows how much information, and valid educational information at that, that is available at your finger tips.

And finally, it was only this afternoon, before I began this work, that I discoverd teachertube.  I found this simple but succint video I wanted to share with you all titled "Why let our students blog?" .  It says it better than I could, and it doesn't even have any spoken words in it, illustrating just how powerful ICTs can be in pedagogically designed learning experiences!...

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